The Company:

  • Arcaea is named after the oldest branch in the tree of life (Archaea).

  • Arcaea is a ‘biology-first’ beauty company that seeks to capture solutions honed by nature in service of re-imagining approaches to personal care and beauty products, as well as the personal care product supply chain. 

  • B2B - Arcaea plans its first ingredient product launch early in 2023 (focused on deodorant)

  • B2C - Arcaea plans its first consumer product launch in the second half of 2023 (focused on a fragrance from multiple extinct flowers)

The Arcaea Brand is:

  • Warm

  • Approachable

  • Focused on possibility

  • Romantic

  • Imaginative

  • Has a distinct visual identity uniquely accessible through biology 

Marketing to:

Businesses, movers in the personal care and beauty trades, product formulators, cosmetic chemists, journalist and investors

Messaging priorities:

  • Create contrast around a biology-driven approach to innovation in the personal care space

  • Demystify biology-first approach

  • Keep tone positive and focused on possibility (not trying to position Arcaea as arrogant disruptors)


  • The ingredients and supply chain for personal care/beauty have been chemistry-driven because that was the bulk of our knowledge base. We’re now in the biology and bio-engineering era and our tools have changed. So the solutions we pursue for long-standing needs and challenges can also evolve and improve. We can achieve previously inaccessible solutions and ingredients in sustainable and safe ways.

  • We are nature. Nature is intimate, familiar, safe, regenerative, knowable. We can now access nature’s solutions in sustainable and safe ways.

  • 1. Think about a problem.
    2. Think about how nature solves it.
    3. Bioprospect and create.

Comparable company: 

Amrys - a synthetic biology company in the personal care, nutrition, vaccine and medicine arenas. Incorporated in 2003.


Visual Style Sketch

Media campaign idea:

Hero brand video + multiple short explainers

Hero video:

  • 1-2 minutes long, with shorter-duration derivative edits for social (15-second & 30-second)

  • Narrative arc traces Arcaea’s foundational philosophy as a biology-first beauty company, and cultivates comfort, warmth and confidence

  • One idea: Visual style leans into the ‘double exposure’ theme established on the Arcaea website currently 

    • Melds visuals grounded in a scientific and technical environment with evocative, nature-driven visuals, keeping the holistic feel clean, warm, confident, inviting.

    • Narrative vehicle can be the origin story of the name, Arcaea

    • Navigated by either a VO or OTS perspective of founder and CEO Jasmina Aganovic

    • Visuals from previously filmed b-roll, new b-roll specific for concept, stock nature visuals (see rough mockup above)

  • Alternate ideas include reversing the frame (nature imagery first, overlays of science/lab work)

    • Visual motif of ancient tree filmed as base, potentially including live or green-screened elements of scientists/lab details, driven by VO


  • Derived from tempated interviews with Jasmina Aganovic and other principals at Arcaea

  • Short - 30-60 seconds

  • Visual style has echoes of hero video treatment (double exposure video), but based more in interview setting