September 12, 2019

2018 Red Sox

A Historic Season, Projected in Light


Our Goal: Use projection technology to create an eye-catching campaign to commemorate this record-setting season, celebrate and magnify the players and excite Boston for the post season.


An initial phase of five projections will run September 30th - October 4th. Each night will target a different location in/around Boston as follows:

·         Sunday, September 30: Downtown Boston (Boston Public Garden / Merchantile Building / Old State House)

·         Monday, October 1: Dorchester (Lower Mills)

·         Tuesday, October 2: Jamaica Plain (Unitarian Universalist Church / Fire Station)

·         Wednesday, October 3: Cambridge (Novartis Building in Central Square)

·         Thursday, October 4: Kenmore Square (on Fenway or Citgo sign)


Exact projection content is TBD. Working concept is to project content highlighting 5 key wins from the season and feature a different player/win each night. Looping video content for the projections will be created by Red Sox staff from video footage, player photos and motion graphics. Each projection will run ~ 2 hours beginning at dusk and concluding around 8 or 9 PM.

Locations for consideration:

Downtown Boston

Boston Public Garden / Boston Common

Merchantile Building

Old State House


Lower Mills

Jamaica Plain

UU Church



Novartis Building (Central Square)

Kenmore Square

Citgo Sign

Fenway Park

Permissions -

Thus Far:

BPDA has given us it’s blessing. We do not run a-fowl of any of their sign ordinances

Boston and Cambridge Arts and Culture offices are aware of the campaign and are providing advice

In general, we still need:

Permission of own building owner

Permission from the city to block a sidewalk “sidewalk obstruction permit” with our mobile projection cart (lead time necessary: a few days - a couple of weeks)

**Depending on site location and complexity of projection we may need more (street occupancy permit - if a parking spot is necessary at projection site or a noise variance - if sound is used)

What’s Next -

Decision time. What are we projecting and where?


  • Focus - Is our main focus engaging an audience in-the-moment? Or is a campaign built around the collateral photos (and/or video) produced for each projection more important? Or is it a hybrid approach?

  • Content - What material do we have to work with? Game footage? Player portraits? Branded language to incorporate into the campaign e.g. “Win/Advance/Repeat”)

  • Budget - Bigger, splashier projections e.g. Mercantile Building or Public Garden will require multiple projectors

  • Time - We are increasingly limited in our options for scenarios involving complex projections or permissions.

Property Release Form - For approval by Red Sox legal